Orange Nut Roll 1978

MCI Orange Nut Roll (1978) Review

By: mreheater72
Date: October 29, 2007

Here is the third “Cake Taste Test” aspirant, an “Orange Nut Roll” packed March 21 1978 (21038) by EUNICE KING’S KITCHEN, INC, SHERMAN TEXAS 75090.

1978 MCI Nut Roll can 1978 MCI Nut Roll can date 1978 MCI Nut Roll open can

When I opened the can (from the bottom side!) with the “sand paper method”, the lid was pushed to the inside of the can, meaning the vacuum inside the can was still there, even after 29 years.

In my opinion the appearance was ok, but I haven’t unfortunately seen an “Orange Nut Roll” in fresh condition. The smell of orange was very distinctive. First I broke off a piece and chewed it. The taste as very, very bitter !! Then I ate a piece without almonds and orange peel pieces, and the taste was good. So it’s clear, the cake mixture alone is ok, only the hard items like nuts and fruits are not edible!

1978 MCI Nut Roll 1978 MCI Nut Roll 1978 MCI Nut Roll

1978 MCI Nut Roll 1978 MCI Nut Roll 1978 MCI Nut Roll

1978 MCI Nut Roll Wrapper

This photo shows the very good condition of the inside of the empty “Orange Nut Roll” can.

1978 MCI Nut Roll empty can