Here with another review: Menu 14 | Creamy Spinach Fettuccine

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Here with another review: Menu 14 | Creamy Spinach Fettuccine

Post by EasyMre » Tue Jun 16, 2020 7:50 pm

Howdy everyone! I wanted to share a review I just completed. Enjoy! :D

This is the first time I’ve eaten the Menu 14 MRE but it really made me reflect on the members of our US Military. What they do, what their experience would be like on the battlefield, and what they do for food. As I was eating through this, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Is this the best we could do for our soldiers?” While there were some redeeming factors in the chocolate shake or first strike bar, the fettuccine main entree left much to be desired.


First Strike Ration Apple Cinnamon Bar was delicious
Chocolate shake beverage was creamy and tasted great
The freeze dried coffee was surprisingly not too bad


The crackers were bland and stale
The peanut butter had a strange aftertaste
The main entree spinach fettuccine was pretty terrible

Order of Preference

For this review, I thought it would be interesting to share my ordered preferences of the components of the MRE Menu 14. Your taste preferences may differ naturally. They’re ordered from the most to least favorite.
  • Apple Cinnamon First strike bar (my favorite!!)
  • Chocolate Protein Drink Powder
  • Peanut Butter
  • Pretzels
  • Crackers
  • Coffee & Sugar
  • Creamy Spinach Fettuccine (least favorite)
Technical Details

MRE Meal Name
  • Menu 14 Creamy Spinach Fettuccine (US Military MRE)
Julian Date on Case
  • 8086 (Packaged March 27th 2018′)
  • Case of 12 Menu B (~$119 US / $105 Euro)
  • Individual MRE (~$9.90 US / $8.75 Euro)
MRE Manufacturer
  • The Wornick Company
Case Menu
  • Menu B (Menus 13-24)
  • 13” x 8” x 2.5” (in.)
  • 33 x 20.3 x 6.3 (cm)
Package Weight
  • 1 pound 6 oz
  • 623 grams
Inspect / Best by Date
  • 03/21 1130
MRE Review Video

Video Review completed by Nathan’s MRE (Subscribe to his channel)

Where to buy

When you decide to buy some MREs for yourself, you’re going to encounter many difference prices. I highly recommend you shop around. While I got this case at $119 for 12 meals, you may find way more expensive and also significantly cheaper options.

Here are a few MRE sources you can buy cases from:

  • Cost ($169 USD / $150 Euro)
  • Cost ($129 USD / $114 Euro)
Foreign MRE
  • Cost ($115 USD/ $102 Euro)
MRE Mountain
  • Cost ($159 USD/ $142 Euro)
Another option to consider is reading my guide about buying MREs. You’ll find it very handy when you begin the process of pricing out MREs and learning about the many factors to consider when you encounter MREs for sale.

Note: These prices were gathered when I wrote this review but may be significantly different when you decide to shop for MREs.

Full Review

This is my first review of a genuine US Military issued MRE. A few weeks ago, I bought both Menu A and Menu B cases so I’ll be able to review the entire menu.

The is the MRE Menu 14 Creamy Spinach Fettuccine. I’m normally a big fan of Fettuccine. I like the noodles and even like spinach sauces. However, the fettuccine was a little strange and wasn’t improved with the addition of the hot sauce and/or the salt.


Fortunately, I really enjoyed the First Strike Ration Bar and was pleasantly surprised about the creaminess of the Chocolate Beverage. It was like drinking a chocolate shake. Though, despite those factors, I didn’t finish this MRE. If I was a soldier on a battlefield or a displaced resident of a disaster stricken area, I probably would eat whatever I could to survive.

I wouldn’t eat the main entree again unless I had no choice. That’s a bold statement for me because I’m not a picky eater. Overall, I was quite surprised at the lack luster state of the main entree and I hope there is future development to improve the poor taste.

MRE Inventory


Here are the full contents of the MRE Menu 14:

Main Entree: Creamy Spinach Fettuccine
Side #1: Crackers
Side #2: Pretzels
Spread: Peanut Butter
Beverage #1: Chocolate Protein Drink Powder
Beverage #2: Coffee & Sugar
Dessert: First Strike Apple-Cinnamon Flavor Energy Bar
Accessory Packet:
  • Flameless Ration Heater (FRH)
    Hot Beverage Bag
    Gum (2 pieces)
    Bill’s Brew Dehydrated Coffee
    Granulated Sugar
    Hot Sauce
    Match Book
    Moist Towelette
    Iodized Salt
Packaging Integrity


The packaging of this MRE was well intact. There was some slight wear on the outside package lettering but that was probably from the original printing.

Otherwise, the main entree, sides, and beverages were well packaged with no obvious tears, bulging, or seal issues.

The accessory pack did seem to have a problem as there was loose salt inside but that’s really a negligible issue.

Main Entree: Creamy Spinach Fettuccine


Where do I begin with this main entree?

MRE Menu 14 comes with the Creamy Spinach Fettuccine with egg noodles and mushrooms in a cream sauce.

The first obstacle was with the Flameless Ration Heather (FRH) in that it was ineffective though adding table salt did help initiate the chemical reaction.

I probably got 5-8 minutes of good solid heat so the main wasn’t too hot.

However, I can 100% guarantee you the temperature of the main wasn’t the problem.

When I first cut open the pouch, I immediately took a big smell of the aromas. I was hit with spinach smells and a strong odor of preservative. I was unimpressed initially and neither was my wife who watched me try this MRE from a distance. She was quite skeptical of this dish.


I poured the contents of the main entree’s pouch on my tray and I was not looking forward to what was before me.

I looked at this entree and this was the first time I reflected on what it would be like to look at this on a battlefield. Would I have the same reaction as a soldier who is hungry fighting the enemy in a foxhole? Or would taste really not matter so long as you live to fight another day? I felt disappointed and a little irritated that we can go to the moon, we can cure cancer, but yet, we’re stuck with this underwhelming looking and tasting spinach entree. Anyone fighting on a battlefield deserves much better.

I scoop some up on my accessory pack issued spoon, close my eyes, and take my first bite. The texture of the egg noodles was consistent with what I would expect to be a shelf stable or canned noodle. If the main consisted of only those, I think I would have been happier.

However, there was an unpleasant taste of spinach, cream, and preservative sauce that was not satisfying. I’m not sure if the cream sauce was simply “that bad” or if the Menu 14 had started to go bad. Though, the temperature and time indicator (TTI) indicated this was a good case of MREs. Plus, the inspection date was only March 2021′ so they aren’t that old.

I wanted to give the main entree the benefit of the doubt so I added the hot sauce and a good portion of the salt packet. Perhaps it needed a little extra love? I have to report that the addition of the extra stuff was simply a failed effort. In fact, I would argue that the hot sauce and salt made the main worse.

It reminds me of an old adage that goes something like, “You can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit.” In other words, no matter how much salt and hot sauce you add, there’s no hope for this entree.


Side #1: Crackers


The crackers had an excellent seal and a good ole’ hiss that would make Steve1989 proud. If you haven’t seen his rare/vintage mre videos, make sure to check him out on YouTube or support him on Patreon.

I really like to get a good whiff of the initial aromas that escape the packaging. The crackers definitely had a basic and slightly stale smell to them.

One was pale yellow while the other cracker was more of a golden brown I would expect out of a cracker. The texture was soft and had some parts that had a mild crunch too but you could tell these crackers were getting a little older.

For as relatively “young” as this MRE is and despite the TTI sticker, I’m wondering if the storage conditions of this Menu B case weren’t that great. The freshness of this MRE is definitely in question. There was a noticeable curvature in the cracker that perhaps reflects the lack of long term freshness or the seal was so powerful that the cracker simply bent under its pressure over time.

Side #2: Pretzels


When I looked at the pretzel packaging on the outside, it seemed like the pretzels were smashed. They weren’t, fortunately.

The perfectly golden brown stick pretzels were lightly salted and had a mildly crunchy texture which melted in my mouth quickly. The pretzel was a great combination with the smooth peanut included in the Menu 14 MRE.

There was a noticeable aftertaste that tended to linger from the pretzels. As you can probably tell, I’m not a huge fan of aftertastes unless they are pleasant or expected.

Spread: Peanut Butter


The spread in the Menu 14 MRE was a smooth peanut butter. It tasted and felt exactly like a peanut butter should. A smooth, peanut taste that wasn’t too oily.

I noticed some MRE reviewers will make sure to knead the package prior to opening it. I didn’t do that and it seemed like it wasn’t needed.

I could see how significantly older MREs spreads may require that. The peanut butter was really tasty with the salty pretzel sticks. This reminded me of a Jiffy or Skippy peanut butter you can find in most stores.

Beverage #1: Chocolate Protein Drink Powder


This is the first chocolate protein beverage powder I’ve tried in an MRE. When I first opened the package, there was a very distinct aroma. Smelling the dry powder immediately reminded me of the smell of workout protein shakes. With that expectation in mind, I thought this was going to taste the same.

For the full experience, I mixed about 8 oz of water with the chocolate powder and shook the two together in the original pouch. I poured the contents in a glass after a few minutes and let it sit and brew.

When I took my first sip, I was blown away by the creaminess and chocolate-y taste that hit my taste buds. It was in stark contrast to what I was originally expecting and I was thrilled. I mixed it up some more in the glass with the MRE spoon and it tasted great fully mixed up.

Beverage #2: Coffee with Sugar


I decided to mix up the Bill’s Brew Dehydrated Coffee with the sugar packet in the hot beverage bag. I added about 8oz of water.

I found some room between the FRH and the main entree and slid in the coffee bag next to the semi-hot FRH. I thought, “Why not? Let’s give this try and heat up both the coffee and the main at the same time.”

After about 5 minutes next to the FRH, the coffee was at a coffee like temperature. This MRE came with a dysfunctional flameless ration heater (FRH) so we had to make do with what we had.

The taste was definitely better than previous freeze dried coffees I’ve from MREs. It was a mild taste so for “hardcore” coffee drinkers that like bold, dark, and strong coffee flavors you’ll be disappointed. However, for the person that prefers mild coffee flavors this’ll definitely be for you.

I was surprised but the accessory pack didn’t come creamer. I reviewed the Combat Rations Database (ComRaD) and it I should have because Menu 14 has Accessory Pack A which is supposed to include non-dairy creamer. There must have been a mistake in the packaging or there is variation in MRE packaging normally.

Dessert: First Strike Apple-Cinnamon Flavor Energy Bar


This is the first time I’ve tried a First Strike Ration Bar. I have read good things in the forums and other reviews.

When you first manipulate the bar, while in the packaging ,you realize it’s not a very soft bar. I was a little worried but that was before I opened the packaging. It smells full of apple and cinnamon immediately after I cut open the packaging. The apple scents were delicious and inviting.

When I initially bit into the bar, I was met with a hard exterior and quickly found a softer interior. I wonder if the sugar on the outside caramelized and hardened over time. As you chew into the bar, the warmth makes the bar nice and soft.

The first strike bar was my favorite part of the MRE Menu 14.

Accessory Packet


This was a standard accessory packet. I did notice there was loose salt in the package. The salt packet inside was sealed however. Not sure how that occurred but everything else in the packet was fine.

Flameless Ration Heater (FRH)


The flameless ration heater in this MRE was definitely malfunctional. I’m used to an FRH that has a chemical reaction immediately after the water is added. However, this FRH didn’t work like usual.

I did add about 1 tsp of table salt and shook it vigorously to reinvigorate the FRH. After a few minutes, the FRH came to life and was able to heat the main entree and coffee to a reasonable warmth. Not as hot as I would like but enough to be satisfying.

Thank you for taking the time to read my review. You can find the original here: ... ine-review
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Re: Here with another review: Menu 14 | Creamy Spinach Fettuccine

Post by kman » Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:04 pm

Nice review - thanks for sharing. I've heard enough horror stories about that Spinach Fettuccine that I'm going to just steer clear of it!

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Re: Here with another review: Menu 14 | Creamy Spinach Fettuccine

Post by EasyMre » Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:37 pm

kman wrote:
Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:04 pm
Nice review - thanks for sharing. I've heard enough horror stories about that Spinach Fettuccine that I'm going to just steer clear of it!
Definitely steer clear! Little did I know what I was going to eat. Never again haha

***Unless of course there is a zombie apocalypse and I have no choice.

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Re: Here with another review: Menu 14 | Creamy Spinach Fettuccine

Post by ViperGTS » Wed Jul 29, 2020 2:36 pm

EasyMre wrote:
Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:37 pm
kman wrote:
Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:04 pm
Nice review - thanks for sharing. I've heard enough horror stories about that Spinach Fettuccine that I'm going to just steer clear of it!
Definitely steer clear! Little did I know what I was going to eat. Never again haha

***Unless of course there is a zombie apocalypse and I have no choice.
This is a great written review of a horrible meal :P
Try your hand at making a YouTube vid, its fun!

All my vids are 100% done on my phone. Filming, edit and post... its easier than you think👍

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Re: Here with another review: Menu 14 | Creamy Spinach Fettuccine

Post by norge » Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:30 am

me and my oldest son had this menu yesterday and found it very good,crumbeled the crackers in and 1/2 hot sauce packet yumi.

cheers ken and erlend

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