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Museum Project Take Two

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:02 pm
by SentientTootsieRoll
I didn't realize I was subscribed to the Military Ration Museum on YouTube until I saw this video appear in my subscriptions:
It's a live stream scheduled for June 14, 2:00 PM PST. I'm interested to see what this will be about!

Re: Museum Project Take Two

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 8:56 pm
by Smitty
Curious to know what happened when it fell off the map. I saw Sean (Ruleryak) has signed in recently so hope he can fill us in.

Re: Museum Project Take Two

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:34 am
by Ruleryak
Hey, just now getting back onto the forums a little more. Since this post wondering about the scheduled video - I've live streamed weekly updates on the project 4 times! It's been really fantastic getting back in touch with the community bit by bit, and getting to go through the collection again with a wider audience.

Some quick links for anyone interested:

Volunteer Signup Form
Ration Museum Youtube Channel

PS - Been great seeing you there every week Smitty!

Re: Museum Project Take Two

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:04 am
by steve1989
Great to see ya back Sean! Haven't heard from ya since March 2018, glad you're doing well! It's great to see traction back into the Ration Museum's progress.

Don't forget links to the main site too, unless this isn't really current anymore - not sure.

Some things I have donated off the top of my head are:

1. My remaining part of the Hardtack
2. Carbonized Hardtack
3. Food Packet Survival SA-3
4. Life Raft Ration packed by Charms
5. Open with 11 of 12 packs of Charms and Wrigley's PK Gum - Life Raft Ration packed by Continental Can Co. (Can be seen opened on my channel)
6. Various empty and cleaned out packages of cans, rations, individual meals, and food packets that I'd reviewed. Perfect for display purposes.
7. Canadian Food Packet Survival Supplementary Maritime
8. Empty box of Food Packet Individual Assault that was re-filled with about a dozen packs of fuel tablets from the same era
9. Accessory Packet can (Ration, Individual, Combat) for the museum auction in Doswell - Bob opened it and kept the Camels. He gave the rest to Barry G. We filmed it.
10. Advertising syndicated on the channel.
11. My time

Also found in my records, donated a:
- RAF Emergency Flying Ration mk ll

I'll start off with the first box sent off. There were a few things to munch on in there like a veggie omelet main, I remembered ya liked those.

Looking forward to hearing from ya man, it's been a while. Hit me up on the forums here, if you will. And VERY much looking forward to seeing this thing take off, as time certainly has flown by, hasn't it?

Re: Museum Project Take Two

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:18 am
by steve1989
Hey Sean,

I've decided that it's in my best interest to officially part ways from this museum project and I'd like for my name to removed from the board at your earliest convenience.

Thanks so much and all the best,