UK Brand Partnership

Reviews of rations from abroad - British ration packs, EPA, IMP, RCIR, etc.
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Re: UK Brand Partnership

Post by britman » Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:14 pm

I was sure I'd seen 'Brand Partnership' somewhere before, hunted through some old 24hr ratpack bits and bobs I hadn't used up, and found that the soups seem to be made by Brand Partnership also. Not the ones in the foil bags, but the ones in the white paper bags as shown.

I was going to say these white paper dehydrated meals might be something out of Arctic ratpacks, look kinda like RCW/MCWs and dehydrated makes sense if you have lots of snow around. But I think sodjer must have solved it - I've not been issued 10mans or Arctic rats, so was a bit of a guess.

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Re: UK Brand Partnership

Post by housil » Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:34 am

Sorry for delayed reply
sodjer wrote:the pouches shown are the the snack portion from the standard 10 man ORP rations(you get 10 of these per box usually the same flavour).and you have to leave them for a while to soften :oops: :x
I have a couple of these 10 man ORP cases
You are right they have similar looking bags:
But this white bags just contain herbs, egg powder, etc.


Non of mine have freeze dried like bags with food.

Any pic´s of it?

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