Scho Ka Kola as an emergency ration

Reviews of Civilian MREs (Sure-Pak, aPack, etc.) as well as other civilian ready-to-eat food
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biscuits brown
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Scho Ka Kola as an emergency ration

Post by biscuits brown » Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:24 pm

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I recently got a package of 4 Scho Ka Kola via our mutual friend Housil :D

I thought I would give you a brief description of taste, beneficial effect and possible use.

Taste; A very delicious dark chocolate, 60% cocoa, with a subtle coffe bean taste and another bitter kola nut flavour. Very complex and delicious!

Beneficial effect; I have taken 1 -2 triangles when I wish to feel more concentrated and focused. The effect is marked and very effective. It also has a slight "cheering effect" which would help your morale if using them in the field. it goes very well with a strong cup of tea. Cigarette optional :mrgreen:
This cheering effect is most odd. It is very like having several good copper coloured strong cups of tea in succession, the effect is similar :D. its nothing like coffee.

Possible use; I would certainly always carry a can with me in future when in nature as a real survival ration. 1 can has over 530 calories, and has enough caffeine and kola to keep you focused and also nourished in a last ditch survival situation, when you need basic food (chocolate) and something to keep you active and focused on problem solving.

Even better, if it is combined with say a packet or two of ORP biscuits or Hartkecks and a few of sachets of instant tea or coffee, and some sugar, it is even more of a basis for a great home made 24 hr active survival ration.

I cant think of a better 4 oz emergency ration to keep in your pocket or rucksack

Highly recommended.

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Re: Scho Ka Kola as an emergency ration

Post by Cracker » Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:57 am

It's only high on calories and caffeine. ;) I would prefer energybars over schokakola..
There is other stuff like dextrose, added minerals and vitamins, foodfibres and longterm energysuppliers in energybars, that will get you throught the day. Schokakola only boosts on sugar and caffeine.

But it's still my favourite chocolate :mrgreen:
Sure, someone may one day kill me with my own gun.
But they'll have to beat me to death with it because it's empty.

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biscuits brown
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Re: Scho Ka Kola as an emergency ration

Post by biscuits brown » Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:32 am

Energy bars Im not really sure about. They do seem to be over hyped sometimes. You better off with a cadburys boost bar, if they still make them.
I would still stash a tin away, all I need is caffeine and adreneline, and some carbs from biscuits.
Kendal mint cake would be good too. Maybe a couple small packs of biltong or jerky.
Dextrose are ok, so maybe, but Ive never found them to have any effect whatsoever, maybe I have Klingon body chemistry.
Vitamins I dont think are a priority in a short term situation, so its irrelevant whether these are as a content or not. A couple multivit tabs should do.
Obviously this is not last ditch in the Amazon or the Sahara, but even pacific unextreme Uk and Western Europe can sometimes turn round and bite you in the arse. So this is just part of a few items that may be helpful.

Sorry for any misunderstanding. I am not advocating SKK as a professional extreme survival ration, but survival stuff tends to happen when you least expect, so it just has a place with maybe a couple packs biscuits, some mintcake or dextrose if you like it, and maybe some biltong or jerky you can buy anywhere here.
I like to utilise stuff thats "lying around" really, and see to what use it can be put
Just an opinion. :)

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Re: Scho Ka Kola as an emergency ration

Post by Cracker » Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:24 am

A cadburys boost bar = an energy bar.. ;) technically even a snickers is an energybar.. but I mean the quality outdoor ones.
There are billions, of which only few are suitable for emergency use. Ok, well.. everything is better then nothing, but still.

Dextrose does effect you, but nobody really notices if your looking for a "boost".
It simply helps to revive your energy a bit, because you have a fast sugarlevel boost. It's not a wonder medicine of some sort ;)

And the problem with schokakola is that it is rock hard when cold, and "sweats" when it's really hot outside.
Less then normal chocolate, but still enough to be a pain in the ass ;) On the other hand, energy bars are held together by hardened plant oil and syrups/caramel like substances. They also tend do "disfunction" when it's really hot.. And schokakola tends to give you constipation (like other chocolates) when it's hold weather and you can't drink enough. Something you really don't want to happen in such an situation.. :mrgreen:

Behhh.. Summer weather :wink:
Sure, someone may one day kill me with my own gun.
But they'll have to beat me to death with it because it's empty.

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

biscuits brown
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Re: Scho Ka Kola as an emergency ration

Post by biscuits brown » Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:58 pm

Yep it would be great if they made a "tropical" heat resistant version.
Actually Im surprised they havent gone into the energy bar side of development.
S-K-K would sell so well in the UK :wink:

The taste is quite awesome. Best choc ive had, its that coffee flavour that gives it the edge.

Great stuff whatever you use it for :D 8)

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