SOPAKCO Emergency Ration Meals 2018

Reviews of Civilian MREs (Sure-Pak, aPack, etc.) as well as other civilian ready-to-eat food
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SOPAKCO Emergency Ration Meals 2018

Post by ReadinessReviews » Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:59 am

I've reviewed Sopakco Reduced Meal Individuals before but these Emergency Ration Meals, supposedly packed for FEMA, are different from anything I've seen before. These MREs come 16 to a case and are roughly 800-900 calories per meal. The main meal is the same we've seen in low sodium rations before but these particular meals have a good bit more variety when it comes to the snacks and extras. I snagged this case for $30 which I'm very happy about.

Thanks for watching!

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