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1977 Chicken and Rice Food Packet Long Range Patrol Review

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:33 pm
by SentientTootsieRoll
I decided to break open the last unique 1977 LRP I have and review it. This is a Chicken and Rice produced by Island Supply Corporation. This menu is still included in the current production LRP/MCWs and Mountain House also still sells it on the civilian market. I've had the newer production menu before but not one quite this old so it will be interesting to compare. Let's take a look!
Here's the inside of the ration prior to removing the components.
Here are the components laid out on the tray. This ration includes an accessory packet, chicken with rice, spoon, toilet paper and a sleeve to protect the chicken with rice packaging from being ruined.
The accessory packet includes cocoa beverage powder, chocolate fudge bar, two coffee packets, creamer, sugar and matches.
Here's the chicken in rice in its packaging prior to adding water.
I tried to prepare a full mocha, but the creamer didn't quite make it. Neither did the cocoa, you may be able see that it was clumped up but it still tasted and smelled okay so I decided to prepare it anyway.
And here's the entire ration prepared!
The chicken and rice wasn't too far off from what the current production menu tastes like. They are both very bland and have a slight chicken broth flavor combined with the chewy rice and bits of chicken. I believe the current production MCWs have a higher net ounce but aside from that, they are about the same. The only exception I can think of is that the current production chicken with rice menu has a stronger chicken broth flavor. Ultimately, I couldn't bring myself to finish it because it simply didn't have much flavor but if I were very hungry, it would have done the job. I think the cocoa was bad since it had some kind of a weird foamy, gritty texture. In the interest of safety, I didn't finish it. My guess is being paired with the chocolate fudge bar had some affect on it.

Speaking of which, the chocolate fudge bar looked great but it tasted really sour and left my tongue coated with a very sour taste. Here's what it looked like broken in half.
Of all the old LRPs I've tried lately, I'd have to say the chili con carne menu was my favorite. My favorite snack item had to be the orange flavored corn flake bar. This has been a fun experience and I'm happy I was able to document them before they become fully inedible sometime the in the future!