Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Reviews of other US rations - MCW, LRP, MCI, FSR, etc.
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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by fdsman » Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:03 pm

hannonmc wrote:Seems like we've hit a snag with The Epicenter.

Below is the email from them... But, on the upside, we are talking about getting a discount for the items they do carry, so we can pack our own... Much like the route treesuit and I are attempting.
sorry for the delay getting back to you.

I'm not sure if it's practical to pack these. Many of the items we do have,
some we don't and don't have a source for. Those include:
First Strike Bar
Desert Bar
CHO Applesauce (we do have Carbohydrate Enhanced applesauce in MRE side
dish form)
Caffeine gum
Beef Jerky
Packet tuna
Packet Mayo

I realize commercial items could be used for these, but by the time we buy
small numbers of these retail at Walmart or where ever, the costs might not
make sense.

I'm not sure what could be done about the Mayo. We have had MRE mayo in the
past but I haven't been able to get any for a year or so. According to
Heinz Corp, the shelf life of commercial Mayonnaise in pouches is 8 months.
And they could be several months old when we purchase them. We can get
those at a food service company down the road, but they are in cases of 500
and that doesn't leave much time to go through them or for the end user to
use them.

We also have set up time involved in getting our "production" line
configured - making room for and setting up the conveyors, strapping
machine filling pick bins with the items and such. We do pack our own MRE
breakfast cases but because of set up and tear down time we try to pack 1/2
to 1 full pallet at a time (about 300 - 600 meals).

I'm starting to think we should work up some kind of discount code that
could apply to the components you and the forum folk would want to buy, and
for people to make their own using zip lock bags or a "food saver". Some of
the items we sell in singles, but some items we pre-pack in 12 packs (like
crackers, peanut butter ect). So, that might only make sense of a guy wants
to make 12 meals at a time.



I'd try contacting other companies. If you have the huevos try Long Life Foods or other similar companies. I'm sure someone else has to be interested in this.

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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by Treesuit » Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:53 pm

Wow! I didn't all that. I guess if your a small time operation like the epicenter then this would take some time to put into production and secure all the components. At least they will work with us for a discount on some things.

Hey hannonmc, can you contact those guys again and see if they will be willing to work with us in the long run on a project like this. I mean, start now and see where we can be with this project in a year or so. I think with a little work and patience the epicenter would be able to do this for us and put some into production. At least a phone call to Bryan might help. That and explain to Bryan that someone is attempting to put a civilian product on the market and give the hyperlink from here in this thread. Thanks

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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by hannonmc » Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:09 am

I'm betting that as more components become available (ERGO, gum, First Strike Bars, etc...) The Epicenter will probably pick them up. They will probably never stock up on the Chicken / Tuna, but they sure should be able to do the double pocket sandwhich. I guess it is a waiting game for them.

Perhaps the Bug Out Grub team will come up with something good too... In the meantime, I'm still going to see about assembling one of two homemade ones and see how they fair...

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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by Treesuit » Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:42 pm


Yeah, I agree with you on that. As time goes along I think the epicenter will pick up more sundries. Though I wonder why wouldn't they pick up on the tuna/chicken packs, unless its more costly to buy them and try and turn a profit later.

I'll keep in touch with you and everybody else on this. I think with some of the creative minds here we can come up with something. Although I was thinking about this, does anybody know or have seen that new "BUG-OUT Grub" meal(s) as of yet? Can anybody find out what the thing looks like? I would look around myself but I don't have enough time during the day to search the "Net. A look-see into what that thing is might help us.

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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by biscuits brown » Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:58 pm

Looks like launch is imminent.

Perhaps it should be named the ZAMAR? (Zombie and Martian Attack Ration)

Seems a bit extreme imho. Maybe niche use, so its good a product exists to fill that niche.

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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by biscuits brown » Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:21 pm

Its the first time I have really looked at this thought provoking thread lads. and a few points come to mind. I have never really thought about the ZAMAR aka FSR ration before..

Its more full on than an MRE, bit like a 21st century K ration.

I think the age range of people who could use it may be limited, based on the high powered energy chemicals, caffeine, etc in the ration. I would be worried about giving it to a kid under 15, or anyone elderly or with medical issues in a survival situation.

I dont think I could eat one for more than 2 days, the contents to my taste, are pretty nasty.

Where is the hot drink?? 1 coffee/creamer/sugar mix combined and a BH seem essential. Where is it. You may want to drink ergo or bergo or whatever, but I prefer a hot drink once every 24hrs, or your morale would plummet, especially at 3am in january. The K ration had just this problem, with lemon acid synthentic powders, deeply unpopular.

Just some thoughts.

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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by Treesuit » Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:30 pm


Yes, those are some good thoughts and I bet we, here on this thread, could do much better with our version. I followed the hyperlink to that guy's website and I still did not see any date other than June 24 when his FSR was coming out. If such a product exists. If one did come out I think this guy would be boasting about it and putting it up on his page but I haven't seen a more modern date. Just kind of pointing out the facts. Also I have not seen any pictures of what this "bug out grub" looks like. Has anybody else?

I mean, if he's puting this product up for sale you would think you would have to have a picture BEFORE you bought it. Unfortunately, I can't find one on his site to look over. So right now I'm kind of wondering what's going on with this guy.

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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by biscuits brown » Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:43 pm

maybe the guy is ramping up production, or is soerting distribution chains. I dunno, the site looks pretty serious.
In any event I bet the price is going to be steep, I bet not a bargain civ FSR. A bit like Cracker said upthread.

I just got a feeling that the civilian FSR may not take off in terms of volume constant heavy usage. Its a hardcore special purpose ration after all, like a K was.

My main issue with FSR, is that it appears to be a mini chemical factory, with energy and stimulation drugs, the whole dose disguised as a ration. It isnt real food.
So in 30 years soldiers will be consuming robocop gloop because it maximises efficiency. We are not machines.

Also the whole tactical premise of this ration is weird. Even on Omaha beach the guys were able to chow down Ks and brew coffee, and I dont think the US army is facing infantry situational threats worst than the intensity of NW Europe in 44-5

It would be better to issue 3 4 hot drinks and Bhs, some powerful cal packed energy bars, cookies, pound cake, crackers cheese spread and pb and j. nuts, and raisins, that kind of thing. Seems a big waste of resources.

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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by hannonmc » Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:32 am

biscuits brown wrote: My main issue with FSR, is that it appears to be a mini chemical factory, with energy and stimulation drugs, the whole dose disguised as a ration. It isnt real food.
So in 30 years soldiers will be consuming robocop gloop because it maximises efficiency. We are not machines.

Also the whole tactical premise of this ration is weird. Even on Omaha beach the guys were able to chow down Ks and brew coffee, and I dont think the US army is facing infantry situational threats worst than the intensity of NW Europe in 44-5

It would be better to issue 3 4 hot drinks and Bhs, some powerful cal packed energy bars, cookies, pound cake, crackers cheese spread and pb and j. nuts, and raisins, that kind of thing. Seems a big waste of resources.
You bring up a lot of valid points. There is a coffee packet with sugar / creamer in the accessory packet we plan to use (which is why I didn't call it out). I agree with not using the "robocop gloop" that the Bug Out Grub guys are looking to replace the applesauce with. I'd rather have the applesauce. When I was going to package up my own, I was going to include a heater and hot beverage bag to it (takes up small amount of space).

We would have 2-3 energy bars, either 2 pocket sandwiches or 1 sandwich / 1 tuna or chicken packet with tortillas. There is the cracker and pb&J or cheese, nut mix, applesauce, beef jerky, 2 gatorade type drinks. The beauty of making your own kit is you can tweak it the way you would want.

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Re: Petition for Sopacko to create a Civilian FSR?

Post by Treesuit » Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:19 pm


I agree on your points. It makes sense that we, here in the states, and the more modern Army, are used to consuming comfort foods and energy stimulants to keep going rather than having hot, nutritional food and taking some "downtime" to recoup. This, I agree, is an alternative. Tell you what, if this project takes off between Hannonmc and myself we'll try and maybe put together a European version for your folks across the pond.

Also if Hannonmc and I can make it work we could put something like a finalized FSR that would be cheap and readily available for people here. What do you think?

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